Certificate Installation: Oracle using Oracle Wallet Manager Print

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Certificate Installation: Oracle using Oracle Wallet Manager

Installing a Certificate on Oracle using Oracle Wallet Manager

You will need a Dedicated IP for the SSL domain. You cannot install the SSL on to a IP where are more then one domains!

You will have received your certificate from us, a file typically named 'your_domain_com.crt' as well as the CA Bundle Certificate [download the Ca Bundle] is also provided.

It is important that the certificates are imported in the correct order for Oracle to accept the certificate.

  1. Select 'Operations' from the main menu. Choose the option 'Import Trusted Certificate'.

  2. Choose 'Paste the Certificate' and click 'OK'. A window will appear with the message Please provide a base64 format certificate and paste it below.
    Open the Ca Bundle certificate file in a text-editor and copy and paste the contents into the area provided. Click 'OK'.

  3. The Ca Bundle certificate should now be installed.

  4. Select 'Operations' from the main menu. Choose the option 'Import Trusted Certificate'.

  5. Return to the main menu, and select 'Operations'. Choose the option 'Import User Certificate'. As in Step 2, click 'Paste the Certificate' and copy and paste the certificate in as before.
    The certificate file is the one typically named with your domain, like: 'your_domain_com.crt'. Click 'OK' and the import should be successful.

  6. The certificates are now all imported, and the status of the Wallet should be 'ready'. Save the changes to the wallet, and you can use it with your Oracle software.

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