Certificate Installation: Microsoft IIS 4.x
Installing a certificate on Microsoft IIS 4.x
You will need a Dedicated IP for the SSL domain. You cannot install the SSL on to a IP where are more then one domains!
You will have received your certificate from us, a file typically named 'your_domain_com.crt' as well as the CA Bundle [or download the Ca Bundle]
Copy all of the certificate files to the server.
- Go to the 'Key Manager'. [Instructions for this can be found by following steps 1-5 of the Microsoft IIS 4.x CSR generation instructions].
- Install the site-certificate by clicking on the key in the 'www' directory (usually represented by a broken key icon with a line through it). Choose 'Install Key Certificate' and select the certificate file. This is the certificate file with your FQDN in the filename.
- Enter a password. If you chose one earlier during CSR generation, use that password. If not, leave the field empty.
- You will be prompted for bindings for the site. Enter the IP for the site, and the port number (usually 443 unless you specifically choose otherwise). Using 'Any Assigned' IP is acceptable if you do not have any other sites with SSL certificates on the server.
- Close 'Key Manager', choosing 'Yes' when prompted to save the changes. The certificate is now installed. If you have not already installed the intermediate certificates, please continue with the next steps.
Installing the Ca Bundle
- Double-click on the Ca Bundle certificate file. This will begin the installation wizard.
- Choose 'Place all certificates in the following store' followed by the 'Browse' button
- Click 'Show physical stores' and select, 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities', then choose 'Local Computer'. Click 'OK', then click 'Next'. Finally choose 'Finish' to complete the wizard.
- Restart the server. The whole server will need to be restarted for the changes to take effect, not just IIS.