Certificate Installation: Cobalt RaQ based Servers Print

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Cert Installation: Cobalt RaQ based Servers

Installing a Certificate on Cobalt RaQ based Servers

This guide is intended to show you how to install a certificate on Cobalt RaQ servers. This covers the RaQ 4, XTR and 550 devices.

You will need a Dedicated IP for the SSL domain. You cannot install the SSL on to a IP where are more then one domains!

You will have received your certificate from us, a file typically named 'your_domain_com.crt' as well as the Ca Bundle. [or download the Ca Bundle]

  1. Go to the 'Server Management' screen.

  2. Click the green icon [wrench for RaQ, pencil for XTR] next to the virtual site on which you want to enable SSL. The 'Site Management' screen appears.

  3. Click 'Site Settings' on the left side. [Then 'General' for XTR]

  4. Open the certificate file in a text-editor (typically named 'your_domain_com.crt') and copy and paste the whole content into the 'Certificate' box.

  5. Change the drop-down to 'Use manually entered certificate' and click 'Save Changes'.

  6. Next, the intermediate must be installed. This must be done via the command-line on the server, which involves logging in via SSH.

  7. Log in to the server via SSH. Change to the 'root' user. Note: you may need an administrator perform this task, as incorrect commands can cause data loss.

  8. Create a new text-file on the server with an editor ('vi' or similar). Into it, paste the contents of each of the intermediate certificates ([or download the Ca Bundle]) one after another. Save the file.

  9. Edit the Apache configuration file on the server. This is usually located in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. Navigate to the bottom of the file.

  10. Insert a new line, and enter the following, replacing the path and filename to the file from Step 8:


    SSLCACertificateFile /path/to/intermediate-file.ext


  12. Save the changes, and restart Apache (via the administration panel, or via the command line).

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