Configuring Sendmail MTA to work with GlobeSSL Certificates Print

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Sendmail can be configured to encrypt email via the secure socket layer (SSL) when you want to send and receives emails.

1) Open sendmail configuration file /etc/mail/ (although your distribution might keep it elsewhere) using text editor such as vi, emacs, nano with write access:

# vi /etc/mail/
Now append/modify following directives:
     -- location to find certificates
      -- Root Bundle file (Make sure you select your server software as Apache & mod_ssl)
      -- Domain Certificate

And make sure port is set to smtps (secure smtp i.e. port 465):
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtps, Name=TLSMTA, M=s')dnl

2) Restart sendmail and secure pop3s/imaps (optional, use the following if using POP/IMAP)
Type the following commands to restart sendmail and related services:
# /etc/init.d/sendmail restart
# chkconfig pop3s on
# chkconfig imaps on
# /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

pop3s and imaps will start from xinetd

Please note the following:
* All certificates provided by GlobeSSL are in PEM format.
* .key file needs to have owner read/write permission for the owner, not group.
* define(`confLOG_LEVEL', `14')dnl ## Will help with debugging. Can be commented out or put back to its default level of 9 when done.

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