Creating a CSR with the Exchange 2010 Certificate Wizard
- Start the Exchange Management Console by going to Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2010 > Exchange Management Console.
- Click the link to Manage Databases.
- Select Server Configuration in the menu on the left and then New Exchange Certificate from the actions menu on the right.
- When prompted for a friendly name, use a name to your liking. The name will not affect your request.
- Under Domain Scope, you can check the box if you will be generating the CSR for a wildcard. Otherwise, just go to the next screen.
Note: If you do select that box for a wildcard, skip to step 8. - In the Exchange Configuration menu, select the services which you plan on running securely and enter the names through which you connect to those services as prompted.
- At the next screen, you will be able to review a list of the names which Exchange 2010 suggests you include in your certificate request. Review those names and add any extra names at this point.
- Your Organization should be the full legal name of your company.
Your Organization Unit is your department within the organization. eg: IT, Web, Security, etc.
If you do not have a State/Province, enter the city information again. - Click Browse to save the CSR to your computer as a .req file
- Next click Save, then Next, then New
- Finally click Finish to create the CSR.
- You should now be able to open the CSR file created in a text editor of your choice. eg: Notepad, Wordpad, etc.
Note: When you submit the CSR to us (through your account or a support ticket) be sure to include the CSR in its entirety! This includes the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
Remember: That's 5 dashes on either side of the phrase.