Extended validation includes Domain and Business verification, the legal existence of a company, verification of address and callback process.
Gold rules to pass validation quickly
We have significant experience in Business validation, and we know some ways of doing it quickly and easy.
- Create DUNS number, it is free, but will solve many problems. DUNS number used to verify an address, company legal existence, and even phone verification.
- Create listings on yellow pages
- Send DUNS number and link to yellow pages to CA vendor once order placed, and order will be processed smoothly.
Step 1 - Supplying EV Documents (COMODO)
You will need to send EV SSL Subscriber Agreement and Certificate Request Form to complete EV Validation. The process takes time, but the result will bring you great success.
QIIS - Qualified Independent Information Source Examples:
Step 2 - Whois Verification
This step requires to check your company name and address listed in Whois of your domain name, if you are using Private Registration, then you need disable it during validation process, otherwise you will fail to pass Whois verification.
Step 3 - Supplying Business Documents (optional)
CA certification managers may require to ask you provide business registration application (article of incorporations) in case if they fail to find your company in legal online databases, sometimes it happens due to different company name transcription/transliteration.
Step 4 - Passing Domain Validation (DCV)
The validation process is very simple and easy; all you need is to respond to automatic system message called DCV (Domain Control Validation) that will be sent to your email. Check more about Domain validation.
Step 5 - Callback
The final step is callback process when CA verifies your company phone number listed on public yellow pages or general Databases like DNB/Hoovers. Legal resources for callback process: