GlobeSSL stands here to control and supervise regular and normal practices and policies over certification operations and in issuing certificates.
Nevertheless, if there for any reason a subscriber or customer is not completely satisfied with the certificate issued to him, under the premise that we`ve presented different product than the one purchased, the subscriber may request that Globe SSL revoke the certificate within 30 days of issuance and make a refund.
After the initial 30 days period provided as agreed, the subscriber may request that GlobeSSL revoke the certificate and refund if GlobeSSL has breached a warranty or any other material obligation under the CPS or subscribers agreement.
After the certificate is revoked, GlobeSSL will promptly credit the subscriber's account or refund the subscriber via check, for the full amount of the applicable fees paid for the certificate.
To request a refund, please call customer service.
This refund policy is not an exclusive remedy and does not limit other remedies that may be available to subscribers.