In order to make changes to your GlobeSSL account information we will require the following:
1. A clearly written request submitted via
Please change the account information associated with order [Insert Order Number] to:
[Name of organization or individual]
[Street address]
[State or Province]
[Postal Code]
2. We will require 2 forms of documentation (listed below) in order to make requested changes. Please note that the easiest way to do this is to send the documents at the same time as the written request; if you will be sending scanned copies, please submit the request via our ticketing system and attach the copies when you open the trouble ticket. Also, when sending scanned copies, please adjust the scan resolution to screen resolution (72-96 dpi) rather than print resolution (generally 200+ dpi) as our ticketing system is limited in the size of files that it is able to handle.
Documents reqired:
A. If for a company:
i. Articles of Incorporation (with address)
ii. Government Issued Business License (with address)
iii. Copy of a recent company bank statement (please blacken out the Account Number)
iv. Copy of a recent company phone bill
v. Copy of a recent major utility bill of the company (i.e. power bill, water bill, etc.) or current lease agreement for the company
B. If for an individual
i. Copy of a valid driver's license or passport of the domain name registrant
ii. Copy of a recent phone bill or the domain name registrant
iii. Copy of a major utility bill (i.e. power bill, water bill, etc.) or bank statement of the domain name registrant
3. If your certificate has been previously issued with different details, you will also need to submit a new CSR so that the changes can be written into a new certificate.